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Lose Fat, Not Faith -
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Lose Fat, Not Faith with Jeremy Likness
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"At Last! For Those Feeling Fat, Miserable,
and Unhealthy. Conquer Your Cravings, Blow Away Your
Binges, and Receive Over $450 in FREE Bonus Gifts! Former
Obese Couch Potato and Emotional Eater Who Lost Over 65
Pounds of Fat Shares Secrets of Success With YOU. What Will
YOUR After Picture Look Like?" What if I asked you to strap
a 65-pound refrigerator to your waist and lug it around for
several years? You probably wouldn't be very happy. That is
exactly where I started, except instead of a refrigerator,
I was carrying around fat. Loads of it. Can you imagine the
relief you would feel once that extra weight was gone ...
for good? Or how your body would thank you every day for
not having to bear the extra burden? Envision yourself
standing in front of the mirror, a satisfied smile on your
face because you have finally lost the weight you were
struggling to drop. More importantly, you are happy because
you have become who you DESERVE to be - you finally feel
you are doing it RIGHT and that this is something you can
LIVE WITH. Why don't more people experience this exciting
moment? Is it because they don't know the true secret to
permanent weight loss and healthy living? Don't you deserve
to find out?

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Type: Commercial
Price $ 39.00 /
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File size: 5441 Kb
Date: 06/01/2004
Install support: Install and uninstall
Platform/EBook kind: PDF
Language: English

See also in Health and Beauty EBooks: Diet and Nutrition

Lose Fat, Not Faith - - Jun 13, 2005
Click here for more info about Lose Fat, Not Faith
You've spent I don't know how long living a certain way. And you know what? You do not know what it feels like to be lean, strong, and healthy. Sure, you can try to imagine it or read articles about it, but how does it really feel?

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