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Aesopica, the forgotten land of common sense and wisdom
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This e-book is a comprehensive collection of famous fables (over 300) from a truly legendary figure. All fables, including all morals and parting wit, are included. The e-book contains a history on the myth and legend surrounding Aesop, and provides historical, mythological and geographical notes. Read such classic as The Wolves and The Sheepdogs, The Hare and The Tortoise and The Crow and The Pitcher. You can easily jump to favorite tales by using the menu bar where fables are organized by title, moral and common words. Many fables include original illustrations. Fables can be easily read and treasured by all. Fables are indexed by title, character and moral of the story. The program offers an easy to operate interface that lets you scan the indices to select a particular fable or simply turn the pages. You can add three bookmarks to quickly jump to topics of interest. This e-book can be used to teach children and teenagers, the basic values of life. It will show them how to use common sense to avoid the traps of life. Reading and discussing the fables would be a nice occasion to gather the family and spend some time to know each other.

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 25.00 / 25.00
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File size: 13075 Kb
Date: 06/30/2007
Install support: Install and Uninstall
Platform/EBook kind: WinXP, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate
Language: English

See also in Childrens, Baby and Preschool EBooks: Fairy Tales, Myths and Fables

Click here for more info about Ghost Forest - children
Anne (Red) lives happily with her Mom somewhere at the end of town ... until, quite of a sudden, she gets into the mysterious, magic Ghost Forest. A lot of adventures expect her there ... not incidentally, as it turns out at the end.

Aesopica - Mar 8, 2008
Click here for more info about Aesopica
Learn wisdom and ethics from animals who seem to have more common sense than humans. Illustrated fables translated by Townsend and/or Vernon Jones. All fables are indexed by title, character and moral of the story. Historica and mythological notes.

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