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The Magic Carpet and the Cement Wall 1
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The Magic Carpet and the Cement Wall, a fantasy adventure for kids from 8 to 92.
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The Magic Carpet and the Cement Wall, a fantasy adventure for kids from 8 to 92. So strongly do Sammy and Lindsay desire to live in a world of love and beauty that they fly to a new universe on a magic carpet to find it. And there's only one way to reach this new universe - the hard way! "This is one of those rare, delightful, sensitive stories that keeps coming back to you over and over, hauntingly, accompanied by a deep yearning feeling: never have you wanted anything quite so much as to go through that cement wall. In a stroke of genius, the author has added a section at the end of the book that actually allows one to feel that this magical fantasy is a real possibility!" -- Robert Rimmer, acclaimed author of "The Harrad Experiment"

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Type: Demo
Price $ 9.99 /
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File size: 33000 Kb
Date: 07/15/2007
Install support: Install Only
Platform/EBook kind: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac Other
Language: English

See also in Childrens, Baby and Preschool EBooks: Fiction and Literature

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Click here for more info about The Magic Carpet and the Cement Wall
The Magic Carpet and the Cement Wall, a fantasy adventure for kids from 8 to 92.

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