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To the Magical Pond (Windows) 1.0
[Homepage] - by: John Howlett ltd - Download links

Could you go on a quest to the Magical Pond to save children of Vandor?
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Enter a land where dwarves, elves, dragons, and pixies live. Yet in this land lies a problem in a small town. An evil witch has cursed all the children except for one. You Barrydale must set out on an adventure and find the magical pond, which carries the cure to the curse. The journey will take cunning skills and wise decisions, for this witch will do everything in her power to prevent you from succeeding. Good luck and may you find a way to help the children of Vandor!

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Type: Shareware
Price $ 4.99 /
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File size: 5717 Kb
Date: 03/03/2005
Install support: Install and Uninstall
Platform/EBook kind: Windows
Language: English

See also in Childrens, Baby and Preschool EBooks: Games and Activities

Click here for more info about To the Magical Pond (Windows)
You Barrydale must set out on an adventure and find the magical pond, which carries the cure to the curse on the children of Vandor.

Click here for more info about To the Magical Pond (PocketPC)
You Barrydale must set out on an adventure and find the magical pond, which carries the cure to the curse on the children of Vandor.

Click here for more info about To the Magical Pond (Palm)
You Barrydale must set out on an adventure and find the magical pond, which carries the cure to the curse on the children of Vandor.

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